brochure layout

wave-particle duality theory + summary works cited title and introduction
single slit thin film/single slit thin film interference

paraphrase and cite everything


In the past 400 years alone, from Thomas Young to Albert Einstein, there have been a range of theories regarding the nature of light. While some experiments prove that light acts like a wave, and others prove that light, we’ll be taking a closer look at thin film interference and single slit diffraction to prove that light behaves as a wave.

thin film interference

<aside> 💧 Occurs when light waves reflecting off the top and bottom surfaces of a thin film interfere with one another


what would have happened with a particle?

If particles were to interfere with one another, they would bounce off each other in random directions

single slit diffraction

<aside> 〰️ Monochromatic light passing through a single slit produces a diffraction pattern that is a central bright region surrounded by light bands as a result of constructive interference, and dark bands from destructive interference

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