brochure layout:

summary + precautions (4) works cited (first page) title + introduction
effects of EM in living cells: [device of concern] (3) common devices that give off EM (2) low vs high frequency (1)


Electricity is the foundation of the modern world— it makes everyday tasks more efficient, and has greatly shaped our way of life. But what if it posed a greater risk to us?

low vs high frequency comparison

Different parts of the EM spectrum correspond to different types of radiation, many of which are harmless, or non-ionizing

Screen Shot 2021-12-28 at 10.50.49 AM.png

Source: The Electromagnetic Spectrum, NASA, 2017

Ultraviolet rays AM Radio waves
Frequency $10^{15}-10^{17}$ Hz $10^6-10^7$ Hz
Wavelength $10^{-9} -10^{-7}$ m $10-10^2$m
Energy $1.6*10^{-17}$ J $2*10^{-24}$ J
Ionizing ability Moderate ionizing ability Non-ionizing radiation

common devices that give off EM

After the Industrial Revolution, we have added more EM to our immediate surroundings, which include: