Wire carrying current $I$ immersed in magnetic field $\vec B$ . $\vec F$ shows the force on the wire due to the $B$
Recall $\vec F_B = q \vec \times \vec B$ and $d \vec R = dq \vec V \times \vec B$
$d \vec F = I dt \frac{d \vec L}{dt} \times \vec B = I d \vec L \times \vec B$
To calculate the total force, we integrate $\int d \vec F = \int I d \vec L \times \vec B$
if we assume $F$ is constant, the wire’s current is straight and the length $L$ and $\vec B$ does not depend on $L$, then $\vec F = I \vec L \times \vec B$
The force experiences by the wire can be understood in terms of charges.
We observe that the two wires attract to eachother. If the direction of current in one wire is changes, wires repell each other. How can we understand and explain this?