<aside> 🐟 Discreteness in one domain gives periodicity in the other domain.
$$ \text{Some useful formulas:} \newline x_{even} (t) = \frac{x(t)+x(-t)}{2} \newline x_{odd}(t) = \frac{x(t)-x(-t)}{2} $$
Order of Operations in Signal Manipulation:
i.e., $f(t) = \sin (4 \pi (t + \frac{1}{4})) + \cos(6 \pi t)$
Periodicity of CT signals:
Average power per period
Periodicity of DT signals:
Plotting DT signals:
Function of one or more independent variables which range over the real numbers $\R$
Function of one or more independent variables which range over the integers $\Z$
Process of converting CT signals into DT signals
Continuous signal $x(t)$ is sampled at intervals $T_s$ to produce the discrete samples $x_s [n]$.