| Force $\vec F = k \frac{Qq}{r^2} \hat a _r [=] N$ | Field $|\vec E| = k\frac{Q}{r^2} \hat a_r$ | $\vec E = \frac{\vec F}{q}$ | | --- | --- | --- | | Electrostatic Potential Energy (U) $U = k \frac{Qq}{r}$ | Electric Potential (Voltage) $V = k\frac{Q}{r}$ | $V = \frac{U}{q}$ |

How is it that $q_0$ can experience the force due to $q$ (note that they are not even touching)?

<aside> 💫 In other words $\overrightarrow{E_q} = lim_{q_0 \to 0} \frac{\overrightarrow{F_{q_0,q}}}{q_0}$


Graphical Representation of $\overrightarrow{E}$

Charged Particles in Presence of an Electric Field

Perfect Conductors Perfect Dielectric