<aside> 🦈 Both the Fourier and Laplace transform can be applied to one sided or two sided inputs.
Any entity that interacts with its external environment through input and output signals
CT system is linear if for any two input signals, $x$, $!x$ and any two constants $\alpha, !\alpha \in C$
$$ T\{\alpha x + !\alpha x\} = \alpha T\{x\}+ !\alpha T\{!x\} $$
A CT system is time-invariant if or any input $x$ with output $y = T\{x\}$, it holds that $y_{\tau} = T\{x_{\tau}\}$ for all time shifts $\tau \in \R$
A CT system $T$ is causal if for all $t \in \R$, the output value $y(t)$ depends only on the past and present input values $\{ x(\tau)\}_{\tau <= t}$
Ct system $T$ is memoryless if for all times $t \in \R$, the output value $y(t)$ depends only on the input value $x(t)$ at that same time