- Global population
- What is a megacity?
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Population in 1960: 4 million
Population today: 22 million
- What are the benefits of increased urban living?
- What are the negatives of increased urban living?
- How are residents coping with a lack of clean drinking water?
- How is a rising population impacting forests and other ecosystems?
- How is the crop soy linked to cows?
- What changes does David Attenborough describe having seen over the course of his lifetime?
- What is the current global average birth rate?
Lagos, Nigeria
Population in 1960: 1.4 million
Population today: 21 million
- What is the average birth rate for Nigeria?
- How have urban environments adapted around the city?
- What reasons are given for high birth rates?
- What argument does Chris Packham give about old age?
- In what ways have countries around the world try to control their population growth?