Differential equation introduction | First order differential equations | Khan Academy
Differential equations, a tourist's guide | DE1
✅ An ordinary differential equation is an equation involving an unknown function (e.g $y(t)$) and one or more of its derivatives
Examples of Diffrential Equations
- Equation for radioactive decay $y’ = -ky$ that models the amount of Carbon-14 in a fossil
- Newton’s Second Law of a body experiencing a time-varying force $F(t) = mx’’(t)$
- Equation for charge $Q(t)$ in an RLC circuit $LQ’’(t) + RQ’(t) +\frac{1}{c}Q(t) = 0$
Equilibrium Solutions
☝ An equilibrium solution to a differential equation is a solution $y(t)$ to that equation that also happens to be a constant function
- Solution of the form $(y)t = c$ where $c$ is constant
- Set differential equation $y’ = 0$ and then solve for $y$
- General solution is in terms of $y(t)$, whereas the particular solution is in terms of $y(t_0)$, where $t_0$ is an initial condition
- $y’ = f(y)$