- No doors in the observation
- Observe everything int he entrance way and approach to the doors, but not the doors themselves
- Use visuals as much as possible in description
- Refer and describe visual significance in captions and written text
- Save at least 100-150 words for analysis section
Physical environment: Objects, activities and conditions of surroundings
- You determine the scope of the environment you document
Scope: the boundaries a designer sets
- How much of the environment do you document
Claims: Statements backed up by evidence and explanation
- Gathered evidence should confirm claims
Observation: Resist the urge to asses and judge the space
Analysis: potential impacts on users of
- Claims: state impacts, support with evidence, explain how evidence supports claim
Identifying unknowns: knowing what you do not know
- Claims: what you cannot know yet, why and how you will fill your gaps in knowledge