By Samar Qureshi; ICS4U

What is pigeonhole sorting?

<aside> 📌 A non-comparison sorting algorithm that takes elements of a given array and temporarily stores them in a separate array of initially empty "pigeonholes". After being systematically ordered in the pigeonhole array, the elements are then transferred back to the original array in increasing order.


Step by step explanation

<aside> 💡 Given the array: 13 2 21 19 6 13 15 2 15 16, let's sort it in increasing order.


Step 1: Find the minimum and maximum values in the array

//max and min values start off as the first element in the array
int min = arr[0];
int max = arr[0];

for(int h=0; h<arr.length; h++) { 
	    	 //finds the maximum and minimum values
	if(arr[h] > max) { //finds the maximum value
			max = arr[h];
	else if(arr[h] < min) { //finds the minimum value
			min = arr[h];


Step 2: Calculate the range of the elements using 'max-min+1'

int range = max - min + 1; //calculates the range