Basic Principles (7.1)

MOSFET (the BJT) as an amplifier: when the transistor is operated in the active region, $V_{GS}$ controls $i_D$ ($V_{BE}$ controls $i_C$) in the manner of a voltage-controlled current source.

Small-Signal Operation (7.2)

Fundamental parameter is characterizing the small-signal linear operation is transconductance $g_m$

Analysis Procedure of Transistor Amplifier Circuits

  1. Eliminate the signal source and determine the DC operating point of the transistor
  2. Calculate the values of the parameters of the small-signal model
  3. Eliminate the DC sources:
    1. Replace each DC voltage by a short circuit
    2. Replace each DC current source by an open circuit
  4. Replace the transistor with one of its small-signal, equivalent-circuit models
    1. Although any of the models can be
  5. Analyze the resulting circuit to determine the required quantities (i.e., voltage gain, input resistance)

Small-Signal Models of the MOSFET
