Use uppercase $V$ and $I$ to represent steady-state DC quantities
Use lowercase $v$ and $i$ to represent instantaneous or time-varying quantities
These represent variations due to switching ripples or AC components in the circuit
$$ i_L(t) = I_L + \Delta i_L(t) $$
Inductors resist changes in current, leading to current ripple described using $i_L(t)$, and average current described using $I_L$
Capacitors resist changes in voltage, leading to voltage ripple described using $v_C(t)$, and average voltage described using $V_C$
Volt-Second Balance: in a steady state condition, average voltage across an inductor over one switching period must be zero, since inductors resist changes in current
$$ \int V_L(t) dt = 0 $$
Small Ripple Approximation: the ripple variations in the inductor current $(\Delta I_L)$ and capacitor voltage $(\Delta V_{out})$ during each switching cycle are small compared to their average (DC) values
Capacitor Charge Balance: same as volt-second charge balance but for boost converters, in steady-state operation, net charge entering and leaving a capacitor over one switching period must be zero
$$ \int i_C(t)dt = 0 $$
Ripple analysis in the frequency domain is harder for a buck converter because of the nonlinear duty cycle relationship, inductor current shape, and the dual pathway for ripple
DC Ripple:
$$ \Delta I_L = \frac{V_{in}}{L} \times D \times T_s \newline \Delta V_{out} = \frac{I_{out} \times D}{C \times f_s} $$
DC Ripple:
$$ \Delta I_L = \frac{V_{in} - V_{out}}{L} \times D \times T_s \newline \Delta V_{out} = \frac{\Delta I_L}{8 \times f_s \times C} $$