questions for mian
- [x] check in text citations
- [x] what is a "strong" statement of significance?
- [x] observations = results?
- [x] titles for each section of the report- necessary?
- [x] should we be rewriting the titles of the questions in the analysis section, or just embedding our answers
- [x] pre-lab questions go in intro??
introduction (no more than 1.5 pages)
What is DNA?
- DNA are long slender molecuels that carry heritable information
- Size is microscopic so impossible to see with the naked eye
- when subjected to certain conditions, it is possible to collect large amounts of DNA to make it visible
Process of collecting DNA is spooling
- What occurs during spooling
- What happens after mixing buffer solution and how it interacts with the cell
- Discuss role of buffer solution and how it interacts with the cell
- Essentially, spooling partially purifies and concentrates high molecular weight DNA, this is the first step in cloning experiments
Living things
- In order to extract DNA, one needs something that contains DNA
- Because DNA is the blueprint for life, every living cell contains DNA