chapter 1: needle in a haystack
- sickle cell anemia
- solution for genetic diseases
- inserting the missing genes into chromosomes
chapter 2: CRISPR
- the discovery
- How are bacteria able to defend themselves against viruses? (e.g bacteriophages)
- What happens when the virus shows back up?
chapter 3: the gene machine
- CRISPR is a combination of the CAS9 nuclease (cutting enzyme) and the guide RNA
- Up to 80% correction in cells
- Can be used to treat cancer, sickle-cell anemia, muscular dystrophy
- Syntheso is an RNA synthesis factory that sells DIY CRISPR kits
- Transplantation of organs from one species to another are possible through CRISPR
- CRISPR can engineer immunocompatability through organ transplant, reducing chance of rejection
- CRISPR can find, then change many DNA sequences
chapter 4: brave new world
- Boy in Pakistan who felt no pain due to a mutation in the SCN9A gene
- CCR5 is a receptor that if you don't have it, you cannot be infected with HIV
- Scientists in China tried genetic engineering on human embryos
- The change in the genetic sequence will not be passed along to the offspring unless it is in the germ line cells
- should we be doing this?
- designer babies